Certified Mediation

Joe Collins of Collins & Collins PA in Franklin, NC is a certified mediator. He practices in the fields of Family Financial and Civil Superior mediation.

What is mediation? It is an alternative to the court system where parties involved in a lawsuit meet with a mediator to assist them in reaching a decision out of court. This method can save time and expense in reaching a resolution.

Mr. Collins, as a Certified Mediator, serves as a neutral source to hear both sides of the dispute and assist you in reaching a decision on your own. While there is no guarantee an agreement will be reached, Mr. Collins’ ability to help resolve issues is why many choose mediation at Collins & Collins, PA.

Please keep in mind that Mr. Collins does not reach a decision. His valuable experience and guidance will assist both parties involved to reach a mutual agreement out of court. This voluntary resolution is non-binding.

Call Collins & Collins PA today at (828) 524-0017.