
Collins & Collins PA practices in the following areas of Real Estate Law: Closings & Settlements, Foreclosures, and Zoning.

If you're struggling financially and facing foreclosure you probably have many questions. What are your rights? Do you have to go to court? How much notice will you receive before the process starts? Is there anything you can do to stop the process?

Attorneys Joseph Collins and Ward Collins can help guide you through the process of foreclosure law in North Carolina. Put their many years of combined experience in North Carolina real estate law to work for you and help you through this stressful time.

foreclosure lawyer attorney franklin nc collins and collins pa law firm

Solutions for Foreclosure Issues

The foreclosure process can be daunting for anyone facing this issue. The laws that govern foreclosure are multi-faceted and complex.

Call Collins & Collins PA today at (828) 524-0017.